Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, but they can be fixed easily through cataract surgery. The procedure is straightforward—the clouded natural eye lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens implant, leaving you with near perfect vision and healthy eyes. However, your eyesight will only get worse the longer you wait to have an eye exam.
October is World Blindness Awareness Month, and you can avoid unnecessary vision difficulties by recognizing the early signs of cataracts and seeing one of our cataract surgeons. Some of the initial symptoms include:
- Rapid changes in your glasses or contact lens prescription
- Trouble driving at night due to dimming vision
- A worsening haloing effect around lights
- Increasing light sensitivity—you may need brighter lights to see clearly
- Eyesight that is cloudy and or blurry even with glasses or contacts
Cataracts are an age-related eye disease, which means you may be thinking these vision changes are because you’re getting older. Presbyopia is the natural hardening of the lens within your eye, and it causes your near vision to decrease. That’s why many adults over 45 require reading glasses. If your vision is steadily worsening, an eye exam is the only way to rule out cataracts or another eye disease.
Schedule your eye exam at Northeastern Eye Institute in Pennsylvania today at 855-204-6888. We have 15 convenient locations including Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton and our surgical center in Scranton.