The Comprehensive Guide to Contact Lens Care: The Do’s and Don’ts
September 5, 2023

The Comprehensive Guide to Contact Lens Care: The Do’s and Don’ts


Contact lenses have gained immense popularity as a vision correction option, chosen by millions worldwide. They offer unparalleled convenience and freedom from the constraints of eyeglasses. However, they come with a crucial caveat – they require meticulous care and maintenance to safeguard your eye health and ensure consistent, clear vision. In this all-encompassing guide, we will delve into the do’s and don’ts of managing your contact lenses. By adhering to these guidelines, you can make informed decisions that not only maintain your ocular well-being but also provide you with comfortable and uncompromised vision.

The Do’s

1. Thoroughly Wash Your Hands Beforehand

It cannot be stressed enough: commence your contact lens handling routine by thoroughly washing your hands with soap and water. This seemingly simple step carries profound importance as it effectively prevents the transfer of dirt, oils, and potentially harmful microorganisms to your lenses. Doing so significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting irritating eye infections.

2. Heed Your Optometrist’s Expert Advice

Prioritize a consultation with your eye care professional to undergo a comprehensive eye examination and receive personalized recommendations regarding the right type of contact lenses. It is imperative to follow their guidance regarding the type of lenses, wearing schedule, and the specific cleaning solutions that best suit your unique needs.

3. Diligently Clean and Disinfect Your Lenses Daily

Maintenance is key. Cleaning and disinfecting your contact lenses on a daily basis is non-negotiable. This vital practice helps prevent the accumulation of proteins, lipids, and microbes that, if left unchecked, can lead to discomfort and potentially severe eye infections. To ensure optimal results, utilize only the solutions recommended by your eye care specialist and meticulously adhere to their usage instructions.

4. Timely Replacement of Your Lenses

Contact lenses have a finite lifespan. It is paramount to strictly adhere to the prescribed replacement schedule recommended by your eye care provider. Overextending the usage of your lenses or attempting to squeeze extra days out of them can inevitably result in a myriad of eye-related issues.

5. Fresh Solution for Every Use

Never, under any circumstances, reuse contact lens solution from a previous day. Always discard any residual solution and, without exception, use fresh solution for storing and cleaning your lenses. The practice of reusing solution is a dangerous one, as it has the potential to introduce contaminants to your eyes.

6. Handle Your Lenses with Utmost Care

Whether you’re removing or inserting your contact lenses, adopt gentle and meticulous handling techniques. Avoid the use of sharp fingernails and do not rush the process. Rough handling can inflict damage upon the lenses themselves or cause unnecessary irritation to your sensitive eyes.

7. Ensure Your Lens Case Is Always Impeccably Clean

Maintaining the cleanliness of your lens case is a routine task that should never be overlooked. Regularly clean and replace your lens case to prevent the buildup of bacteria and fungi. Rinse the case thoroughly with fresh solution and allow it to air dry with the caps removed when not in active use.

8. Always Keep a Spare Pair Handy

In the realm of contact lens management, preparedness is key. In case of unforeseen emergencies or bouts of discomfort, it is a prudent strategy to have a spare pair of contact lenses at your disposal. Pair this with a small bottle of contact lens solution, and you can rest assured that you can swiftly address unexpected issues without compromising your eye health.

The prescribed wearing schedule should be considered sacrosanct. The act of extending wear times or experimenting with overnight usage can severely diminish the flow of oxygen to your corneas, thereby significantly increasing the risk of potentially hazardous corneal complications.

10. No Sleeping with Lenses In

A cardinal rule: never, under any circumstance, sleep with your contact lenses in your eyes unless the lenses are explicitly designed for extended wear. Sleeping with lenses that are not intended for overnight use can result in a heightened risk of eye infections and considerable discomfort.

The Don’ts

1. Say No to Tap Water on Lenses

Avoid the usage of tap water on your contact lenses at all costs. Tap water may contain a multitude of harmful microorganisms, such as Acanthamoeba, which can lead to severe eye infections. Consequently, never rinse or store your lenses in tap water, irrespective of the circumstances.

2. Refrain from Swimming with Lenses

Water sources ranging from swimming pools and hot tubs to lakes and oceans are potential sources of contaminants that can adversely affect your eyes. Prioritize the removal of your contact lenses before swimming, or opt for waterproof goggles when necessary.

Resist the urge to wear your contact lenses for durations longer than what has been advised. Overextending wear times can lead to dryness, discomfort, and an elevated risk of contracting eye infections.

4. Sharing Is Not Caring – Don’t Share Lenses

Sharing contact lenses with others is a risky practice that can result in the transfer of bacteria and infections. It is imperative that each person uses their own contact lenses that have been prescribed specifically for their unique needs.

5. Avoid Using Expired Lenses or Solutions

Conscientiously inspect the expiration dates on both your contact lenses and cleaning solutions. Employing expired products can compromise the quality and safety of your lenses, posing potential risks to your ocular health.

6. Refrain from Vigorous Eye Rubbing

Excessive and aggressive rubbing of your eyes, especially when wearing contact lenses, is discouraged. Such rough handling can inadvertently dislodge or damage the lenses and trigger irritation in your corneas.

7. No Saliva or Homemade Solutions

Never resort to using saliva or homemade solutions to moisten or clean your contact lenses. Such unorthodox practices can introduce harmful bacteria and may not provide the effective cleaning and disinfection required for maintaining optimal lens hygiene.

8. Ignoring Discomfort or Redness is Ill-Advised

Should you experience any form of discomfort, redness, or encounter any unusual symptoms while wearing your contact lenses, it is of paramount importance to immediately remove them and seek consultation with your eye care professional. Ignoring these warning signs can potentially lead to the development of serious eye issues.

9. Regular Eye Exams Are Non-Negotiable

Even if you are a regular contact lens wearer, never underestimate the importance of your routine eye exams. These examinations are essential for monitoring the health of your eyes and ensuring that your prescription remains up-to-date and appropriate for your visual needs.

10. Don’t Use Contacts During Eye Infections

In the event of an eye infection or any form of eye condition, it is imperative that you refrain from wearing contact lenses until your eyes have fully healed. Wearing contact lenses during an active infection can exacerbate the condition, prolong the healing process, and potentially lead to more severe complications.


Contact lenses, while an excellent choice for vision correction, come with a set of responsibilities that should never be taken lightly. By adhering rigorously to these do’s and don’ts, you can safeguard your eye health, prevent infections, and enjoy consistently clear, comfortable vision. Always bear in mind that your eye care professional is your most reliable resource for personalized guidance on contact lens care.


  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology. (2021). Contact Lens Safety. 
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Tips for Contact Lens Wearers. 
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Healthy Contact Lens Wear and Care. 
  4. American Optometric Association. (2021). Contact Lens FAQs.