If you have ever considered laser vision correction, now is the time to act. Many flexible spending accounts will turn over at the beginning of the year, making any unused portion unavailable. To prevent this from occurring while simultaneously permanently improving your vision, we encourage you to contact one of our 16 Northeastern Pennsylvania offices to schedule your free LASIK consultation today.
The experienced eye surgeons at Northeastern Eye Institute utilize the latest technology and offer the safest, most effective laser vision correction techniques. Placing your satisfaction as our top priority, we work to ensure you are provided with information about all of your options, empowering you to make informed decisions about your vision care.
If you are not a good candidate for LASIK, we offer a number of alternatives – including PRK – which can help you find freedom from cumbersome eyewear. During your free laser vision correction consultation we will discuss your surgical options along with financing choices to help you choose the services best suited to meet your needs.
To schedule your free LASIK consultation, please contact Northeastern Eye Institute today. Our eye surgeons maintain 16 locations to better serve people living throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania.